Home Spirits Will Vodka Make You Fat? Alcohol and Weight Gain

Will Vodka Make You Fat? Alcohol and Weight Gain

Will Vodka Make You Fat

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You’ve heard it before: “Drink too much vodka, and you’ll get fat!” It’s a well-known saying, but is there any truth to it? Will vodka make you fat?

When you hear the word “vodka,” what comes to mind? Is it the sweet, sumptuous taste of a Moscow Mule or the pungent burn of a shot? Or maybe you picture the damage it does to your waistline. But will vodka make you fat?

The truth is that it depends. In this article, we will discuss the impact of vodka on your waistline, from calories and sugar to types of alcohol, and its implications for your health. We’ll also give you some tips on how to enjoy vodka without worrying about packing on pounds. Let’s dive in!

Will Vodka Make You Fat?

Ah, the age-old question: will vodka make you fat? It’s hard to know where to start to answer this one. The answer isn’t straightforward—it depends on what kind of vodka and how much you’re drinking.

If you’re talking about straight vodka, then no, it won’t make you fat on its own. In fact, it’s low in calories! However, if you’re talking about flavored or infused vodkas that come pre-mixed with juices and other added sugars and sweeteners, that can lead to weight gain.

The same goes for cocktails made with vodka: if they contain additional sugary mixers like juice, soda, or energy drinks, then watch out for your calorie intake. That’s because these added mixers tend to be high in calories—and can quickly add up if you’re not careful.

At the end of the day, when it comes to maintaining a healthy waistline—or any health goals—moderation is key!

Understanding Calories in Alcohol

When it comes to an understanding the impact of alcohol on your waistline, it all boils down to calories. All types of alcohol contain calories, and the calories found in vodka are no exception.

Vodka is known for being a low-calorie drink option, but that doesn’t mean it’s calorie-free. A 1.5oz shot of vodka contains an average of 100 calories—comparable to one small glass of wine or a can of beer.

But what about all the flavored vodkas out there? The key to understanding their caloric impact is knowing how much sugar has been added during the flavoring process. Since many flavored spirits contain added sweeteners such as syrup or sugar, they can add up to 20-100 calories per serving—depending on how sweet they are!

Drinking vodka isn’t any worse for your waistline than other alcoholic beverages. Moderation and mindful drinking are key—always remember everything in moderation!

How Vodka & Other Spirits Affect Weight Loss/Gain

Have you ever wondered if vodka will make you fat? The answer depends on how often and in what quantities you drink it.

Unlike soft drinks, juices, and sweet alcoholic drinks such as daiquiris, vodka is essentially calorie-free. This is because it’s made from grain or potatoes and has no sugar, so just 1g of carbs per serving. Since each 1.5 oz or 25mL shot of vodka is around 97 calories, it won’t add much to your daily caloric intake.

What About Other Spirits?

Other spirits, such as gin, are also virtually calorie-free, while whiskey has fewer calories than beer because it’s not brewed with added sugars. However, be mindful that some drinks contain more calories than others—for example, a mix of shots with soda, water, or tonic will result in more total calories consumed per serving.

Many alcoholic beverages come with added sugars in the form of syrups or sugary mixers that can quickly add up when you’re drinking over a period of time. This means if your tipple is something like a Cosmo (vodka + triple sec + cranberry juice + lime juice) or mimosa (champagne + orange juice), it’s likely to have an additional sugar content that could contribute to weight gain over time.

The best way to minimize the impact of your alcoholic beverage on your waistline is to have it in moderation and look for low-calorie mixers such as soda water or diet cola instead of fruit juices and syrups.

Vodka Sugar Content

You might be wondering if vodka is going to make you gain weight. After all, it does contain calories, so it must lead to a larger waistline, right?

Let’s look at the sugar content of vodka. There’s not much sugar in vodka—in fact, it contains about 0.9 grams of sugar for every 1.5 ounces of vodka. That’s compared to beer, which has the same serving size but 13 grams of sugar per serving! So if you worry that you’ll be piling on the pounds with sugary drinks, this could be why vodka is your best bet—it has only trace amounts of sugar.

Plus, if you want to avoid getting an extra dose of calories with your cocktail, there are several zero-sugar options to choose from when mixing up a drink with vodka. Most vodkas are gluten-free and low in calories and carbs, so you can enjoy your night out without worrying about extra fat around your midsection!

Diet Mixers: What’s Really in Your Vodka Drink?

You might be wondering about the diet mixers in your vodka drinks. How do these affect the calorie content of the drink?

First, diet mixers contain a mixture of artificial sweeteners and flavorings with zero calories, giving drinks a sweet taste. So, your drink will remain calorie-free if you drink a vodka soda or cranberry and use a diet mixer.

However, other mixers may not be so kind to your waistline. For example, some popular and tasty cocktail recipes combine vodka with high-sugar or sugary beverages like orange juice, cranberry juice, or pineapple juice. Although these ingredients taste great together, they can add up to many extra calories compared to what you’d get from a mixer like soda water or diet tonic.

So when choosing mixers for your vodka drinks, it’s important to research and be mindful of how many extra calories you add for each ingredient. That way, you can enjoy your cocktails responsibly!

Cardiovascular Health & Vodka Consumption

You might not know this, but vodka is not necessarily bad for your cardiovascular health. It’s true! Studies have shown that vodka can help reduce the risk of stroke and heart attacks.

So why is drinking vodka healthier than some other alcoholic drinks?

Lower sugar content

Vodka gets its calories from alcohol, not sugar, so it doesn’t spike your blood sugar like sugary drinks like rum or whiskey. In addition to being lower in calories, the lack of sugar prevents alcohol-associated weight gain and reduces risk factors for some metabolic diseases, such as diabetes.


Studies have also found that moderate vodka consumption can reduce hypertension risk and help dilate blood vessels. Even non-drinkers who consumed vodka had better hypertension results than those who drank other spirits or beer.

When drunk in moderation, this clear spirit can even be beneficial to your cardiovascular health:

  1. Studies suggest that drinking one to two shots a day can reduce the risk of stroke by 20%.
  2. A light drinker’s (one shot per day) risk of having a heart attack was 20% lower than a person abstaining from alcohol entirely.
  3. Vodka has fewer calories per gram than beer or wine and contains no carbohydrates or fat.

So if you’re looking for a nightcap drink with some health benefits, reach for the vodka!

Can Flavored Vodka Make You Gain Weight?

You might be wondering if flavored vodka can make you fat. Unfortunately, it can—but only if you’re not careful.

Flavored vodka is especially dangerous because it’s often higher in sugar than regular vodka or other spirits, with around 10-35g of sugar per 100 ml, depending on the brand and flavor.

It doesn’t help that many flavored vodkas have a sweet flavor profile (like vanilla, raspberry, peach) that can easily lead you to drink more than you intended, leading to weight gain. Vodka has around the same amount of calories as any other type of alcohol (around 100 calories per shot). So, if you’re drinking too much at one time, those calories will start adding up, and your waistline will feel the effects over time.

Ways to reduce the risk of weight gain from flavored vodka

If you like flavored vodka but want to avoid weight gain, there are things you can do. Here are a few tips:

  • Use flavored vodkas sparingly and replace them with plain vodka when possible
  • Use zero-calorie mixers (like club soda or diet tonic) instead of juices or sodas
  • Stick to low-sugar drinks like a gin and tonic or whisky sour with fresh lemon juice
  • Choose light beer instead of spirit mixers like rum and Coke
  • Measure your drinks with an eyedropper rather than free pouring
  • Avoid high-sugar dessert drinks such as cocktails with whipped cream flavoring or chocolate syrups

By following these tips, it’s possible to enjoy some tasty cocktails while still keeping an eye on your waist

Do Diet Drinks Contain Fewer Calories Than Regular Alcoholic Beverages?

You might be wondering if you can get away with drinking diet versions of your favorite alcoholic beverages—like vodka—instead of the regular versions. After all, diet sodas contain fewer calories than regular sodas, so why not diet beer or vodka?

The truth is that diet versions of drinks like beer, wine, and vodka are usually still higher in calories than the “regular” versions — and sometimes even higher. This is because the non-alcoholic ingredients used to make them taste better—like syrups, liqueurs, and sweeteners—typically contain more calories than the ingredients used in regular drinks.

The good news is that some diet options for vodka are much lower in calories than regular vodka. A 1.5-ounce serving of diet vodka contains just 65 calories, while a 1.5-ounce serving of regular vodka contains 97 calories — a difference of 32 calories per serving. If you’re watching your waistline, you can switch to diet vodka and still enjoy your favorite drink without adding as many extra calories to your daily consumption.

Pre-Mixed Spirits: Are They a Healthier Option?

Another thing that’s fun to consider is whether pre-mixed spirits are a healthier option than regular vodka. As you might know, pre-mixed spirits are lower in alcohol content than your traditional vodka (about 7% ABV, or alcohol by volume). And some people think that this might be a healthier option because it’s lower in calories and alcohol.

So does that mean you should switch out your vodka for pre-mixed spirits? It isn’t very easy.

Alcohol Content

Drinking pre-mixed spirits will expose you to less alcohol overall and, as such, fewer toxins in the body. But remember that these drinks are still high in sugar, so it might not be the best choice if you’re trying to lose weight.

Calorie Count

Pre-mixed spirits contain fewer calories than regular vodka— about half as many calories per drink (depending on the type of spirit). They’re still far from a healthy choice: one can of premix contains anywhere between 90–360 calories. So if you’re regularly drinking — no matter what type of drink you choose — your waistline won’t thank you!

Healthier Alternatives

If you aim to curb your calorie intake while still getting your buzz on, consider adding soda or sparkling water instead of canned premixed drinks or regular vodkas. This way, you’ll have something with flavor and fizz without all the added sugar and calories.

Drinking Vodka for Weight Loss

You might have heard that drinking vodka can help you with your weight loss goals, but is it true? The short answer is: it depends. While vodka has no fat or carbs when consumed neat, how you mix your vodka may raise its caloric content.

Calorie Content of Vodka

Generally, one fluid ounce of 80-proof vodka contains about 64 calories, while a 1.5-ounce shot of vodka contains 96 calories. This is slightly less than a similar-sized glass of wine, which usually has 125 calories per serving. Vodka also has no carbohydrates, making it a preferred option for many people trying to cut out those calories.

Low-Cal Cocktails with Vodka

If you are watching your caloric intake, the best option is to keep your drinks simple: straight vodka or soda water (with or without lime). You can also make low-cal cocktails by mixing your vodka with club soda and a sugar-free drink mix such as Crystal Light or Diet Coke—both have just 5 calories per can.

Vodka is also low in sugar compared to more traditional alcoholic beverages like beer, cider, and some wines, which could cause an increase in weight gain due to its high sugar content, so if you are cutting back on those sugary drinks, good for you! But remember that moderation is key—too much alcohol can still lead to weight gain without added sugars.

Can Alcohol Cause Weight Gain?

Alcohol can cause weight gain, especially when consumed in excess. One drink contains approximately 4 calories per gram, slightly less than the 9 calories per gram found in fat. This means alcohol can be stored as fat and cause weight gain over time. The effect of alcohol on fat burning can also contribute to weight gain, as alcohol can reduce the body’s ability to burn fat as fuel.

Beer, for example, is often linked to the “beer belly” phenomenon, where excessive beer consumption can cause abdominal fat to accumulate. However, it’s not just beer that can cause weight gain from alcohol intake. Other types of alcohol, like vodka or red wine, can also contribute to weight gain if consumed in excess.

Alcohol Consumption

Alcohol consumption causes increased levels of triglycerides in the blood, which can also contribute to weight gain. Additionally, alcohol affects the way the body metabolizes food, which can lead to increased hunger and overeating. Furthermore, excessive alcohol consumption can lead to liver disease, which can also be a risk factor for weight gain.

That being said, alcohol in moderation can still be a part of a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Drinking a small amount of alcohol, like a glass of red wine or vodka with soda water, can be enjoyed without causing weight gain. It’s important to make smart choices regarding alcohol consumption and to be mindful of the number of calories per ounce or drink.

Studies have found that alcohol may have some health benefits, like reducing the risk of heart disease. However, it’s important to balance these potential benefits with the risks of excessive alcohol consumption, like weight gain and liver disease. Overall, alcohol can make you gain weight, but consuming alcohol in moderation can be a part of a healthy lifestyle that promotes both health and wellness.


You have so many questions, and we have the answers. Let’s jump right in.

Will vodka make me gain weight?

Maybe—it really depends on your lifestyle. Vodka has almost no carbohydrates or sugars but contains calories that can add up quickly. In perspective, an ounce of vodka contains around 97 calories, while an ounce of beer contains only 55 calories. That said, if you drink moderately, chances are you won’t put on any extra weight due to vodka.

Is vodka better than other spirits when it comes to calories?

Yes! An ounce of rum or tequila contains almost twice as many calories as an ounce of vodka. So if you’re looking for the lowest calorie option for your next cocktail, consider purchasing a vodka-based one instead!

Is there any way I can still enjoy a drink and not worry about gaining weight?

Absolutely! If you’re watching your waistline, many lower-calorie mixers keep the flavor intact—try seltzer water or light tonic, or sip yours neat with just a splash of club soda or lime juice.


The truth is that all alcoholic beverages come with calories and potential health risks. Vodka can be enjoyed in moderation like any other alcoholic beverage. However, as with all alcohol consumption, it’s important to consider the impacts of weight gain. Drinking vodka may not directly make you fat, but it can contribute to long-term weight gain when consumed excessively.

Be mindful of how much you drink and what drinks you consume. Watching what you eat and drink can be an effective way to maintain a healthy weight and lifestyle. Drink responsibly, make healthier drink choices, and start on a path to a healthier you.