How Much Soju To Get Drunk

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Ever wondered how much Soju it takes to get you feeling tipsy? As one of Korea’s most popular alcoholic beverages, Soju is known for its clear and mild taste. This blog post unravels the science behind Soju consumption and its intoxicating effects, considering factors like your weight, tolerance level, metabolism, and more.

Ready to uncover the secrets of this unique Korean drink? Let’s dive in!

Key Takeaways:

  • Soju is a popular Korean alcoholic beverage with an alcohol content ranging from 20% to 45% ABV.
  • Factors such as gender, body composition, lifestyle choices, and alcohol tolerance influence how much soju it takes to feel intoxicated.
  • On average, it takes about two to three shots (25 ml each) of soju for someone weighing 140 lbs or less to start feeling the effects of intoxication.
  • It’s important to drink responsibly and be aware of the potential health risks associated with excessive soju consumption.

Understanding Soju

Soju in Glass with Bottle

Soju is a popular alcoholic beverage that hails from Korea. This clear and distilled drink has its roots in grains such as rice or wheat, following the traditional distillation process making it similar to vodka or gin but with a distinctly Asian twist.

The strength of soju can vary significantly, generally ranging between 20%-45% alcohol by volume (ABV), depending on the brand and recipe used.

In truth, despite its potent nature, many people find Soju pleasantly smooth and easy to drink. Different brands offer unique flavor profiles including clean finish, natural sweetness or hints of fruity undertones making soju versatile in cocktails while also being delightful when enjoyed neat.

However, due to its deceptive palatability combined with high ABV compared to beer (4%-7%), getting drunk on soju comes easy if consumption isn’t moderated carefully.

Factors Affecting Alcohol Intoxication

Gender and body composition, as well as lifestyle choices, play significant roles in determining how alcohol affects an individual.

Gender and Body Composition

Gender and body composition are key determinants in how soju affects a person. Generally, women and individuals who have higher percentages of body fat may feel the intoxicating effects of soju faster due to their lower alcohol tolerance levels.

This is because body fat has less water content for sharing out the alcohol consumed. Similarly, people with more muscle mass tend to absorb alcohol slower due to the high-water content in muscles that helps dilute alcoholic beverages like Soju.

As such, it’s important to understand your own gender and body composition before imbibing this Korean-distilled alcoholic beverage; what might seem like modest consumption can quickly lead you beyond your drinking limit, turning a social gathering into an unwanted intoxication event.


Your lifestyle plays a vital role in how soju affects you and the amount required to get you drunk. If you’re a fitness enthusiast with an active metabolism, your body might metabolize alcohol faster than someone who leads a sedentary life.

Drinking on an empty stomach accelerates the absorption process, leading to quicker intoxication. In contrast, drinking soju after a meal or while eating can slow down alcohol absorption.

Regular drinkers tend to develop higher tolerance levels compared to occasional drinkers – meaning they may need more shots of soju for noticeable effects of intoxication.

How Much Soju to Get Drunk?

Spilled Soju Liquor

Soju’s alcohol content can range from 20-45%, and it typically takes around two to three shots (25 ml each) for someone weighing 140 lbs or less to start feeling the effects of intoxication.

Soju’s Alcohol by Volume (ABV)

Soju is a popular Korean alcoholic beverage that typically contains alcohol by volume (ABV) of around 20%. This means that it is stronger than beer but not as potent as hard liquor.

With its moderate alcohol content, soju can be enjoyed responsibly in moderation. However, it’s important to note that individual tolerance levels and factors such as body weight can influence how much soju it takes to feel intoxicated.

So whether you’re enjoying a traditional shot or mixing up a refreshing cocktail, be mindful of your consumption and always drink responsibly.

Comparing Soju to Other Alcoholic Beverages

Soju is an alcoholic beverage from Korea that is becoming increasingly popular worldwide. Its alcohol by volume (ABV) is usually around 20%, though it can range from 16.8% to 53%. This puts it in a unique position when compared to other drinks, as it tends to be stronger than beer and wine but weaker than most types of hard liquor. In the following table, we’ll see how soju stacks up against some common alcoholic beverages.


Alcoholic Beverage Typical Alcohol by Volume (ABV)
Soju 16.8%-53%
Beer 4%-7%
Wine 12%-15%
Vodka 37.5%-50%
Whiskey 40%-50%
Tequila 35%-60%


The ABV of soju can vary significantly, but it usually stays around 20%. Because of this, it’s crucial to pay attention to the ABV when drinking soju, just as you would with any other alcoholic beverage. The effects can vary based on your body composition, tolerance, and other factors, so it’s always best to drink in moderation.

Soju Drinking Culture

In Korean culture, soju is often enjoyed during social gatherings and celebrations, either straight in shot glasses for a traditional experience or mixed with other ingredients to create flavorful cocktails.

How You Drink Soju


  1. Pour a shot of soju into a small glass or shot glass.
  2. Hold the glass in your hand and raise it to eye level.
  3. Take a moment to appreciate the clear color and aroma of the soju.
  4. Take a deep breath and prepare yourself for the strong taste.
  5. Tilt your head back slightly and quickly drink the shot in one gulp.
  6. Feel the warmth of the alcohol as it enters your body.
  7. Take a moment to savor the flavor and aftertaste of the soju.
  8. If you prefer a milder taste, you can mix soju with other ingredients to create cocktails.
  9. Remember to drink responsibly and pace yourself to avoid overindulgence.
  10. Enjoy your soju experience and embrace the cultural significance this traditional Korean beverage holds.

Remember, drinking soju is not just about getting drunk but also about enjoying the flavors and experiencing Korean culture firsthand.


Recognizing Signs of Intoxication

Recognizing signs of intoxication is crucial when it comes to responsible drinking and knowing your limits. While the effects of alcohol vary from person to person, there are some common signs that indicate you may be reaching a state of intoxication after consuming soju.

It’s important to pay attention to these signs in order to prevent potential harm or dangerous situations.

One key sign of intoxication is impaired coordination and balance. If you notice yourself stumbling or having difficulty walking straight, it may be a clear indication that you have consumed too much soju.

Slurred speech is another telltale sign of intoxication. If your words start becoming mumbled or unclear, it’s a strong signal that your body has been affected by alcohol.

Another indicator of intoxication is changes in behavior and mood. Alcohol can lower inhibitions and lead to increased risk-taking behaviors, aggression, or emotional swings. In addition, impaired cognitive function is often evident when intoxicated – difficulty concentrating or making decisions are typical signs that alcohol has taken its toll.

It’s worth noting that the effects of alcohol can vary based on factors such as body weight, metabolism, tolerance levels, and overall health. Everyone processes alcohol differently; what might make one person visibly drunk could have less impact on another individual.

That being said, being aware of these general signs can help you gauge your own level of intoxication while consuming soju responsibly.

Health Effects of Soju and Safety Precautions

Soju can have potential health risks, including alcohol-related liver disease, increased cancer risk, cardiovascular issues, impaired cognitive function, and the potential for dependency and addiction.

It is important to drink responsibly and in moderation to avoid these health effects.

Soju’s Potential Health Risks

Soju, like any alcoholic beverage, comes with potential health risks when consumed in excess. Excessive drinking of soju can lead to a range of health issues including liver disease, high blood pressure, cancer, depression, dementia, and stroke.

The alcohol content in soju can have detrimental effects on the body over time if not consumed responsibly. It is important to understand how much soju you are consuming and to drink in moderation to minimize these potential health risks.

Remember that responsible consumption and knowing your limits are key when it comes to enjoying soju without compromising your well-being.

Drinking Responsibly

Drinking responsibly is crucial when it comes to enjoying soju or any alcoholic beverage. It’s important to be aware of your limits and pace yourself accordingly. Soju, with its average alcohol content of around 20% ABV, can have noticeable effects after just a few shots.

To avoid overindulgence and potential health risks, it’s recommended that individuals consume no more than moderate amounts of alcohol per day. Drinking in moderation not only helps prevent intoxication but also reduces the risk of developing alcohol-related liver disease, high blood pressure, cancer, depression, dementia, stroke, and addiction.

Remember to stay hydrated while drinking and make wise choices about your consumption habits for a safer and more enjoyable experience with soju or any other alcoholic beverage.


Will Soju Get You Drunk?

Soju, a popular Korean alcoholic beverage, definitely has the potential to get you drunk. With its average alcohol content of around 20% ABV (alcohol by volume), it is stronger than beer but weaker than hard liquor.

Soju’s concentrated nature means that it can cause intoxication much quicker compared to other alcoholic beverages. However, how much soju it takes to get drunk can vary based on factors such as body weight and tolerance levels.

On average, for someone weighing 140 lbs or less, it may take about two to three shots of soju (approximately 25 ml each) to start feeling noticeable effects. It’s important to drink responsibly and be mindful of your limits when consuming any alcoholic beverage.

How many shots of soju to get drunk?

The number of shots of soju required to get drunk can vary depending on several factors, including body weight and alcohol tolerance. On average, it takes about two to three shots of soju (around 25 ml each) for a person weighing around 140 lbs or less to start feeling noticeable effects.

However, it’s important to remember that everyone’s metabolism is different, so the amount needed to reach a state of intoxication may vary. It’s always best to drink responsibly and know your limits when consuming any alcoholic beverage.

How many bottles of soju to get drunk?

The number of bottles of soju it takes to get drunk can vary depending on various factors such as body weight, metabolism, and alcohol tolerance. On average, it would take about two to three regular-sized bottles of soju (typically containing around 350 ml each) for a person weighing 140 lbs or less to feel noticeable intoxication effects.

However, keep in mind that this is just an estimate, and individual reactions may vary. It’s always important to drink responsibly and be aware of your limits when consuming any alcoholic beverage.

Can 1 soju make you drunk?

Drinking just one shot of soju can indeed make you feel intoxicated, especially if you’re not accustomed to consuming alcohol. Soju typically has an alcohol content ranging from 20-45%, which is higher than most beers but lower than hard liquor.

While the exact effects can vary depending on factors like body weight and tolerance, it’s important to remember that even a single serving of soju can impair judgment, coordination, and reaction time.

To ensure your safety and well-being, it’s best to practice responsible drinking and know your limits when enjoying this popular Korean beverage.

Does drinking soju hit harder than vodka?

Soju and vodka are both popular alcoholic beverages, but they do have some differences in terms of how they affect the drinker. When comparing soju to vodka, it’s important to note that soju typically has a lower alcohol content than vodka.

Soju usually contains around 20% ABV (alcohol by volume), while vodka typically ranges from 35-40% ABV or even higher.

This means that drinking straight soju may not hit as hard as drinking straight vodka due to its lower alcohol concentration. However, it’s essential to remember that individual tolerance levels and factors such as body composition and lifestyle can also play a significant role in how alcohol affects each person.

Can 2 bottles of soju make you drunk?

Drinking two bottles of soju can definitely make you drunk, especially if you are a smaller individual or have a lower tolerance for alcohol. Each bottle typically contains around 360-400 milliliters of soju with an average alcohol content of 20-45%.

Considering these factors, consuming two bottles means ingesting anywhere from 14 to 28 standard drinks, depending on the specific brand and alcohol percentage. This level of consumption can significantly impair your judgment, coordination, and cognitive function, increasing the risk of accidents and injury.

It’s crucial to drink responsibly and understand your limits when it comes to alcohol intake.

Is Soju Strong?

Soju is considered to be a strong alcoholic beverage, with an average alcohol content of around 20% ABV (alcohol by volume). This makes it stronger than beer but weaker than hard liquor.

Soju’s potency comes from its concentrated nature, allowing it to cause intoxication more quickly compared to other drinks. It’s important to note that individual tolerance levels may vary depending on factors such as body composition and metabolism.

While soju may have a mild taste, its strength should not be underestimated when consumed responsibly.

Is Soju High Alcoholic?

Soju is considered a high-alcohol beverage, with an average alcohol content ranging from about 16% to 45%. This makes it stronger than beer but generally weaker than hard liquor. The concentration of alcohol in soju can vary depending on the brand and type, but regardless of the specific percentage, it’s important to drink responsibly and be aware of your own alcohol tolerance.

Soju’s popularity has grown due to its mild taste and punchy effects, making it a favorite among drinkers looking for a buzz without too much harshness. Just remember to pace yourself and enjoy this traditional Korean spirit in moderation.

Can kids drink soju?

It is important to note that soju is an alcoholic beverage and, as such, it is not suitable for children. Soju contains alcohol, which can have harmful effects on a child’s developing body and brain.

Consuming alcohol at a young age can lead to serious health risks and potential long-term consequences. It is always best to prioritize the well-being and safety of children by ensuring they do not consume any alcoholic beverages.

Instead, encourage them to enjoy non-alcoholic alternatives that are age-appropriate and safe for their consumption.

Can I drink straight the soju?

Drinking soju straight is a common way to enjoy this traditional Korean spirit. In fact, many Koreans prefer to drink it neat or on the rocks without any mixers or chasers. Soju’s smooth and mild flavor makes it enjoyable to sip on its own, much like vodka.

However, it’s important to remember that soju has an average alcohol content of around 20% ABV, which means it is still quite strong. Therefore, if you do choose to drink soju straight, be sure to do so in moderation and drink responsibly to avoid any adverse effects of intoxication.

Why is soju so tasty?

Soju is known for its unique and delicious taste that sets it apart from other alcoholic beverages. Made from grains such as rice or wheat, soju undergoes a fermentation and distillation process that brings out its distinct flavor profile.

With an alcohol content ranging from 20-45%, soju strikes the perfect balance between strength and smoothness, making it easy to enjoy straight or in cocktails. Its mild taste appeals to both seasoned drinkers and those who are new to the world of spirits.

Whether you’re sipping on a traditional shot or experimenting with soju-based cocktails, the undeniable tastiness of this Korean spirit adds an extra element of enjoyment to any drinking experience.

Does soju make you turn red?

Soju has a reputation for making people turn red, and this phenomenon is commonly known as the “soju flush.” The reason behind this reddening of the face is mainly due to a genetic condition called alcohol flush reaction.

This reaction occurs when the body has difficulty breaking down acetaldehyde, an alcohol metabolite. As a result, acetaldehyde builds up in the bloodstream, causing blood vessels to dilate and leading to facial flushing.

However, it’s important to note that not everyone experiences this reaction, and its severity can vary from person to person.


In conclusion, the amount of soju needed to get drunk varies depending on several factors such as body weight, metabolism, and alcohol tolerance. However, on average it takes about two to three shots of soju for someone weighing 140 lbs or less to feel noticeable effects.

It’s important to remember that drinking responsibly and knowing your limits are key in enjoying this popular Korean alcoholic beverage without going overboard. So grab a bottle of soju, drink in moderation, and cheers to a good time!